CADDManager on April 6th, 2016
This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series Adding Value

Focus and Clarity

It’s having a clear view of the most important item in a sea of ideas. It is seeing the main theme in a maelstrom of data and information. It is separating the wheat from the chaff.  It is bringing clarity to the complex. That is what great CAD/BIM/Tech Managers do.

They have the ability to get things in focus or bring things back into focus. When others are getting confused, they are coalescing a sharper image of the goal. They bring clarity to the questions that are in everyone’s heads. They reduce multiple items to few.Focus

How is this done? By processing lists. By thinking and rethinking the list of items, ideas or tasks, you can bring focus and clarity.

Compare and contrast – you look at the problem to see what is the same and what is different.

Categorize – Look to link thing together by category. Putting similar items together can reduce the confusion.

Prioritize – Rank things and put the most important at the top. Focus on the top 20 percent.

Grouping  – by software product needed to get the job done. By job function. By time needed to get it done. By information available. By cost to complete. By workflow.

Just working a list again and again will uncover themes and allow you to get a clear picture of what is in front of you. It will let you and the team focus.

How does this add value?  When you bring focus and clarity, you reduce complex tasks to simpler functions that can be attacked and completed.  You help others know what is next and where to place their efforts.




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