Here is a great link that I was informed about. (Thanks Charlotte) It has a great list of AutoCAD Shortcut keys for Mac and a printable template that you can use to add to your keyboard. Here is an example. Get the full PDF here.
Last week Autodesk announced their intent to release training content under Creative Commons licensing. This will make the released content FREE to those who chose to use/reuse it. Some of the released content will be : Autodesk online help—Online help for many Autodesk products, including its embedded media such as images and help movies Autodesk […]
I had the opportunity to review a recent book from Sybex/Wiley. This book is part of their Autodesk Official Press. the authors are Ryan Duell, Tobias Hathorn and Tessa Reist Hathorn. Summary: The book is a very good introduction to the essential areas and uses of Revit Arch as a BIM tool. It explains concepts […]
Continue reading about Book Review – Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014 Essentials
Back on May 16th, 2005 I posted on my dismay that some folks are still not totally sold on Paper Space or they just don’t understand it fully. I still get comments (even in 2009) about how it it tough to understand and use. Well – it still think that must be true for some… […]
This is an opportunity for some free online training… Here is the information they provided to me… Venue/Location: Live and OnDemand Formats Date: Starting June 23, 2009 through November 30, 2009 Register Now by visiting Bentley Systems’ Be Connected online seminar series gives architects, engineers, builders, geospatial professionals, and owner-operators a chance to learn […]
Continue reading about FREE Training – Bentley Be Connected Online Seminars
A while back I wrote a post on the “Dummies” books for CAD. The Dummies books go beyond CAD and so I was contacted with an offer that I pass on to you. Here it is… Siemens PLM has also published several Dummies booklets. “Design Logic for Dummies”, “Check-Mate for Dummies” and the latest “Design […]
No – I am not calling you a dummy, but sometimes even the best need some help. I have bought and read some of the “Dummies” books over the years and they are quite good. Here are a few that are CAD related… Google SketchUp For Dummies – By Aidan Chopra AutoCAD 2009 For Dummies […]
Take our Poll on the right hand side of the home page… Often we forget to train ourselves. Staying ahead of the curve is not easy. Have you forgotten to keep your skills current?
I came up with another one… Add Time to the four T’s and you get success. What appears to be failures or stuttering starts end up being success when you add time. How does this work? What make bad things into good? What allows the planning of yesterday become the foundation of tomorrow and the […]