CADDManager on December 2nd, 2008

Wow – what a day.

Started off teaching my class on CAD Manager Career Path. I discussed the process of moving your career ahead and taking control of it. Do not let your career just happen. Plan on making progress.

On area I discussed was asking for a raise. One point I brought up was that fact that you need to update your resume before you go talk to your boss about a raise. No you are not going to look for another job, but the process of updating your resume will remind you of your value, experience, training, breadth and education. You won’t share this during the process, but it sure helps to think things through.

After that it was off to meet with the past presidents of AUGI. I ended up late for that meeting because I was talking to users and the time got away from me.

After that it was prep and deliver my next class. It was on the BIM Manager position. This title has not been around for very long, but it is advancing in the industry. One of the points i brought up was associated with who has a formal written job description. I did a survey while preparing for the class. Here is what I found out.

Most people working in this area do not have one.

After my class – it was off to the Exhibit hall for a long evening of connecting up with a whole lot of AUGI members and more.

Tomorrow we start of with AUGI Unplugged – a chance for those that are here to ask the AUGI Board their questions and give us ideas for needed programs.

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