- Principles of CAD Management
- Division of Work – Principles of CAD Management
- Authority – Principles of CAD Management
- Discipline – Principles of CAD Management
- One “CAD Boss” – Principles of CAD Management
- Unity of Direction – Principles of CAD Management
- Take a Back Seat – Principles of CAD Management
- A Fair Wage – Principles of CAD Management
- Centralization – Principles of CAD Management
- Can we talk? – Principles of CAD Management
- Can you Talk? – Principles of CAD Management
- Hidden Org Charts – Principles of CAD Management
- Order – Principles of CAD Management
- Fairness – Principles of CAD Management
- Stability – Principles of CAD Management
- Initiative – Principles of CAD Management
- Esprit de Corps – Principles of CAD Management
Stability – specifically of employment. Fayol (read more on him here) lived in different times than we do. He encouraged the retention of employees, planning of transitions and he discouraged employee turnover.
These days we see firms that are forced to lay off employees. It has happened to me three times in my career so far. Each time the economy forced the firms to make hard choices and set directions that impacted me and many others at my firms. Some of you may have had this same thing happen to you. That is not what this topic is about. Many firms make great plans and try to retain employees even through hard times.
But there are others that regularly turn over employees. This churn is really costing them money. The finding of a new employee and the training and learning curve impact firms so much. Some firms seem to work longer term employees out of their workforce and replace them with lower cost newer employees thinking they are saving money. They may not be. Other firms pull people in and overwork them and burn them out so that they leave just to catch their breath.
Stability of tenure at a firm means that the employees are more productive. they understand the company values and goals. They align themselves with the targets that the firm sets. They have learned the hidden procedures that are not documented. They know how to get things done through and around the rules. They have gathered extensive knowledge of the products and output of the firm. They are valuable and should not just be tossed aside. They have developed company loyalty and will give additional efforts when needed.
From the US Bureau of Labor Statistics…
“There were 3.1 million job openings on the last business day of June, [2010] the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. The hires rate (3.1 percent) and separations rate (3.1 percent) were again little changed over the month. This release includes estimates of the number and rate of job openings, hires, and separations for the total nonfarm sector by industry and by geographic region.” Read it here
That is 100% turnover in numbers – but that does not reflect that the 3.1% who left a job ended up taking the 3.1% that were open. So the impact on firms was a loss of employees and a hiring of new employees. This impacts productivity.
A CAD Manager can assist in this effort by seeking to encourage other managers (the ones that actually hire the employees) to think long term. They can let managers know who has made progress and learned the system of things. The CAD Manager can assists in getting new employees advanced quicker through educations and training. They can inform other managers as to who is a great CAD user and who may not be.
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