- Principles of CAD Management
- Division of Work – Principles of CAD Management
- Authority – Principles of CAD Management
- Discipline – Principles of CAD Management
- One “CAD Boss” – Principles of CAD Management
- Unity of Direction – Principles of CAD Management
- Take a Back Seat – Principles of CAD Management
- A Fair Wage – Principles of CAD Management
- Centralization – Principles of CAD Management
- Can we talk? – Principles of CAD Management
- Can you Talk? – Principles of CAD Management
- Hidden Org Charts – Principles of CAD Management
- Order – Principles of CAD Management
- Fairness – Principles of CAD Management
- Stability – Principles of CAD Management
- Initiative – Principles of CAD Management
- Esprit de Corps – Principles of CAD Management
Henri Fayol (1841-1925) was a French mining engineer who went on to become Director of Mines with over 1000 employees. His company flourished and was the largest producer of steel and iron in France during his days. In 1916 he published his perspectives in the book “Administration Industrielle et Générale”. Included in his book are the 14 Principles of Management.
I will review and expand on these over the next few posts. I will also comment on what may have changed from his time to the modern operational organization that most firms have adopted.
Fayol’s Principles of Management
- Division of work
- Authority
- Discipline
- Unity of command
- Unity of direction
- Subordination of individual interests to the general interest
- Remuneration
- Centralisation
- Scalar chain
- Order
- Equity
- Stability of tenure of personnel
- Initiative
- Esprit de corps
Many of these may seem like “no brainers” because we today enjoy the fruits of the “Progressive Era” when people like Henry Ford and many others employed these principles during the industrialization process in so many countries. We have operated this way for so long that these principles are just ingrained in us all.
But some of these are taking on new shapes. The have either totally been discarded or they have been changed into something that no longer represents the original concept.
June 15th, 2011 at 7:36 AM
Mark, I googled Henri Foyal and found this:
They spelled his last name Fayol.
(CAD Managers are such an anal bunch I thought you’d want to know)
June 22nd, 2011 at 12:48 PM
Fixed them all – thanks for the tip…
Keep checking back – I may misspell it again (did I spell misspell right?)