Seven Traits of a CAD Leader (continued)
Trait Four: Leaders have the Ability to Inspire Others
Tell others what can happen
- Paint a picture of what tomorrow can look like. Do this by telling stories of how great the CAD environment could be.
- Look farther into the future to see the positive outcome and tell others what it will be like.
- Raise a passion for what might be. This helps alleviate doubts.
Tell others how it can happen
- Lay out your goals
- Predetermine a course of action. Plan ahead. Think of how you can layout steps to get to the goal.
- Adjusts your priorities to make it happen
- Notify key players – get buy in – one by one
- Allow time for people to process the change
- Break down the process into smaller parts
- Plan for problems
- Rally around the small successes
- Review your plan along the way
- Tell others when it can happen
- Give some sort of timeline
- Keep others informed as you make progress
Trait Five: Leaders Motivate People to Follow
- Let people make significant contributions. Don’t limit them to trivial inputs. Give them something that is pivotal. You will also be able to adjust things if they are headed in the wrong direction.
- Let them help create the goals. Work with others as you develop your goals. Getting input builds teamwork.
- Create Positive dissatisfaction. Talk about what is wrong, but don’t let it degrade into just a complaint session. Keep it focused on fixing problems, not just identifying them.
- Give people recognition when they contribute. No matter how large or small the contribution.
- Provide clear expectations.The Don’t list
- Don’t belittle anyone – ever. Don’t talk down about others. This does not mean that you have to never have a little joke about someone’s attitude or quirkiness, but make sure you keep it light. Would the person be able to laugh at the ribbing if they heard it?
- Don’t manipulate anyone. No overt politics or games. This does not mean that you don not carefully work the system, but it does mean that you do everything above board. Total honesty. No hidden agendas.
- Don’t be insensitive. Keep the feelings and perspectives of others in mind.
- Don’t discourage personal growth. Seek to have those around you succeed. Leaders are not afraid of others success – they applaud it.
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