CADDManager on August 18th, 2008

An easy question…

Results are about what I thought they would be.  I am also glad that a good number of you took the poll.  Do you think this reflects the ratio of men to women in your firm?  your industry?  your city/locale?  in CAD or IT?

Let me know…

2 Responses to “July Poll Results”

  1. This is typical of our industry–just have a look around at AU this year and you’ll have your ratio! 😀

  2. To answer the author’s questions:

    I work with a group of 10-11 designers/draftsman/detailers and out of that, 2-3 are female. (Note: I did not include myself in the count as I am not in “production”. I provide CAD support for this group.)

    I am the BIM Technology Administrator/CAD Manager for an AEC-Mechanical contractor located in Atlanta, GA.

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