1. I get to see/network with all of my peers. I think this is the first thing that I love about AU. It gives me a chance to interact and catch up with all those that I have connected with in the past. It gives me a chance to connect with new people. I seriously set out to talk to more strangers in one week than I do for the rest of the year.
2. Checking out new technology. I love seeing what the mature tools have added and what new tools are being introduced. I walk the show floor to take it all in. I stop at every booth that grabs my attention. What grabs my attention? It is great new ideas that are innovative and/or iterative. It is the big leaps in technology and the small steps that eliminate pains that I have.
3. Finding out what Autodesk is up to. I love listening to what they have to tell me. I do not take it all at face value. I dig into what they say and see what practical value it will have for me. It is the real productivity and creativity innovations that launch my imagination about how their tools might change my firms workflow and output.
4. Listening to great speakers. Every speaker has some key point that will unlock the chains of my technologies shackles. These experts will help release me from the fetters that bind my ability to get things done. These speakers provide me with so many tips and tricks and new perspectives that my head aches by the end of each day.
5. Finding out how AUGI is expanding. Every year the membership climbs, the forums expand, publications flourish and the benefits of membership go up. I am hoping for great things this year.
6. Presenting. I love to present and I hope that I am effective and enjoyable to listen to. I seek to make you think, change your perspective, widen your view, focus your planning, execute with vigor and increase the joy of working with CAD/BIM and the people who you manage and work with.
7. And finally, I love to introduce others to the things I love. If you meet up with me, you can expect me to share something with you that you need to tap into. I will introduce you to others that I think you should get to know. I will ask if you have been to a vendors booth to see the great tech there. I will encourage you to talk to the teachers, Autodesk staff and vendors so that you will come to love AU like I do.
If you are able to go this year… See you soon.
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