CADDManager on October 25th, 2012
This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series AU2012

Last repost from 2006 on BLAUGI…


I have sat through some great classes and some stinkers.  Here are some tips for maximizing the value of each class.

Get the Handout – before you enter the room (if they have them).  Do not take more than one.  Even if you have someone else who needs it.  The handouts will be available on-line after the event for those back home.

Sit near the front – you do not want to have any problems seeing the presentation.  Someone once said that the best distance to be from the screen is double the distance of the screen width.  So if the screen is twenty feet wide, sit 40 feet back.  That was the suggestion for going to the movie theater, but I am not sure that it is effective or even based on a mathematical equation.  I just know that if I sit too far back I cannot see the menu picks that the presenter is doing.

Take more notes than usual – write down as much as you can.  Even if the handout is exhaustive – write down your questions or perceptions.  Don’t expect to remember anything you hear.  You will be taking so many classes that it will all blur together.  Take notes on the handouts or on another paper, but take notes.

Quiet your cell phone – out of courtesy to speak and those around you.  Please turn it off or put it to silent mode.  If you must answer it, then leave the room.  Do not talk on your phone in the class.

If the class is not what you expect – move to another class.
This is acceptable, based on the occupancy of the other class.  If it is full you cannot get in, but if there is room, you can squeeze in.  If you are going to do this, do it in the first 15 minutes.

Save your questions for the end
– don’t interrupt unless you have permission.  When you ask a question keep it general in nature.  Don’t ask a question that is so specific that others will not learn from it.  Avoid asking questions during the class that relate to one specific file or problem that is nagging at you.  Ask these of the instructor after they have completed the class.

Applaud the speaker at the end – they work hard and deserve your appreciation.

Fill out the Eval – be honest and make suggestions for improvement.  Speakers read these and improve for next year.  Your comments help make AU better.

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