CADDManager on September 27th, 2011

I first posted the AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts back in 2008 and many have downloaded and add to my list.

Here is the updated list for 2012 versions of AutoCAD and the various products that use it as a platform.


Here is the new list:  AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts-2012

An added bonus – the last page lists discontinued shortcuts from prior versions.

Thanks so much to Heidi Hewitt who helped me with this update.

Over the years many have comments and provided additional shortcuts.  You can see the old post with the many comments with these links:

2008 Keyboard Shortcuts

2008 Keyboard Shortcuts – old PDF (2008)








7 Responses to “AutoCAD Keyboard Shortcuts – 2012 Edition”

  1. Wow this is awesome! I have new tech. coming and she has never used C3D and I had already started a command cheat sheet for her. This will definitely come in handy.

    Tony C
    CAD Manager

  2. wow………gracias

  3. Thanks very much. This is a great help since I am now using AutoCad extensively and have been out of the business for more than a decade.

  4. mohd javed solanki
    March 4th, 2012 at 12:25 AM

    hi plz reply me civil 2d command my email id

  5. Wow this is awesome! Thank you very much.

  6. how to do short cut in window10 keybord

  7. Thank you so much for these wonderful shortcuts, I’ve been doing research on ways to speed up my workflow, this helps out a lot. I’m printing this out asap.

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