CADDManager on March 21st, 2007

We created an overall plan of attack for the move. We stepped through each issue and discussed the needed information, who would get it and what we would do as the next step. Several times we came across issues that required input from others. We invited them to our meeting and got critical input.

CAD and IT worked together on issues that related to licensing and operations of CAD. Plotters were scheduled for decommissioning as well as high end printers. We coordinated with third party movers to get the plotters, printers and copiers moved. We worked with the building layout to locate each piece of equipment on a map – no floor level decisions and scurrying to figure out where something would go.

As the final week or so approached, we met every day for 30 minutes to verify that we were all on track. We created a calendar for the time line and used sticky notes to define each critical item that needed to happen on a specific date. As the items were addressed we move the sticky off the calendar. Those items that were not addressed on time got reassigned a date.

By careful planning and forethought we avoided many of the small headaches. I am not trying to say everything worked perfect, but it was a very smooth move. I will update you on some of the items that did not come off as planned… next time.

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