CADDManager on September 22nd, 2009

The DIM Variables (and the release they were introduced). Plus a quick outline of what they do.

DIMADEC (R14) – Controls the number of precision places displayed in angular dimensions.

DIMALT (R12) – Controls the display of alternate units in dimensions.

DIMALTD (R12) – Controls the number of decimal places in alternate units. If DIMALT is turned on, DIMALTD sets the number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal point in the alternate measurement.

DIMALTF (R12) – Controls the multiplier for alternate units. If DIMALT is turned on, DIMALTF multiplies linear dimensions by a factor to produce a value in an alternate system of measurement. The initial value represents the number of millimeters in an inch.

DIMALTRND (2000) – Rounds off the alternate dimension units.

DIMALTTD (R13) – Sets the number of decimal places for the tolerance values in the alternate units of a dimension.

DIMALTTZ (R13) – Controls suppression of zeros in tolerance values.

DIMALTU (R13) – Sets the units format for alternate units of all dimension substyles except Angular.

DIMALTZ (R13) – Controls the suppression of zeros for alternate unit dimension values. DIMALTZ values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only.

DIMANNO (2008) – Indicates whether or not the current dimension style is annotative.

DIMAPOST (R12) – Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the alternate dimension measurement for all types of dimensions except angular. For instance, if the current units are Architectural, DIMALT is on, DIMALTF is 25.4 (the number of millimeters per inch), DIMALTD is 2, and DIMPOST is set to “mm,” a distance of 10 units would be displayed as 10″[254.00mm]. To turn off an established prefix or suffix (or both), set it to a single period (.)

DIMARCSYM (2007) – Controls display of the arc symbol in an arc length dimension.
0 Places arc length symbols before the dimension text
1 Places arc length symbols above the dimension text
2 Suppresses the display of arc length symbols

DIMASO (R12) – Obsolete. Retained in the product to preserve the integrity of scripts. See DIMASSOC.

DIMASSOC (2002) – Controls the associativity of dimension objects and whether dimensions are exploded.

DIMASZ (R12) – Controls the size of dimension line and leader line arrowheads. Also controls the size of hook lines. Multiples of the arrowhead size determine whether dimension lines and text should fit between the extension lines. DIMASZ is also used to scale arrowhead blocks if set by DIMBLK. DIMASZ has no effect when DIMTSZ is other than zero.

DIMATFIT (2000) – Determines how dimension text and arrows are arranged when space is not sufficient to place both within the extension lines.

0 Places both text and arrows outside extension lines
1 Moves arrows first, then text
2 Moves text first, then arrows
3 Moves either text or arrows, whichever fits best
A leader is added to moved dimension text when DIMTMOVE is set to 1.

DIMAUNIT (R13) – Sets the units format for angular dimensions.

0 Decimal degrees
1 Degrees/minutes/seconds
2 Gradians
3 Radians

DIMAZIN (2000) – Suppresses zeros for angular dimensions.

0 Displays all leading and trailing zeros
1 Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000)
2 Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
3 Suppresses leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)

DIMBLK (R12) – Sets the arrowhead block displayed at the ends of dimension lines or leader lines. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). You can also enter the names of user-defined arrowhead blocks.

Standard blocks shown below. Note: Annotative blocks cannot be used as custom arrowheads for dimensions or leaders.

“” = closed filled
“_DOT” = dot
“_DOTSMALL” = dot small
“_DOTBLANK”= dot blank
“_ORIGIN” = origin indicator
“_ORIGIN2” = origin indicator 2
“_OPEN” = open
“_OPEN90” = right angle
“_OPEN30” = open 30
“_CLOSED” = closed
“_SMALL” = dot small blank
“_NONE” = none
“_OBLIQUE” = oblique
“_BOXFILLED” = box filled
“_BOXBLANK” = box
“_CLOSEDBLANK” = closed blank
“_DATUMFILLED” = datum triangle filled
“_DATUMBLANK” = datum triangle
“_INTEGRAL” = integral
“_ARCHTICK” = architectural tick

DIMBLK1 (R12) – Sets the arrowhead for the first end of the dimension line when DIMSAH is on. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.).

DIMBLK2(R12) – Sets the arrowhead for the second end of the dimension line when DIMSAH is on. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). For a list of arrowhead entries, see DIMBLK.

DIMCEN (R12) – Controls drawing of circle or arc center marks and centerlines by the DIMCENTER, DIMDIAMETER, and DIMRADIUS commands.

For DIMDIAMETER and DIMRADIUS, the center mark is drawn only if you place the dimension line outside the circle or arc.

0 No center marks or lines are drawn
<0 Centerlines are drawn >0 Center marks are drawn

DIMCLRD (R12) – Assigns colors to dimension lines, arrowheads, and dimension leader lines. Also controls the color of leader lines created with the LEADER command. Color numbers are displayed in the Select Color dialog box. For BYBLOCK, enter 0. For BYLAYER, enter 256.

DIMCLRE (R12) – Assigns colors to dimension extension lines. Color numbers are displayed in the Select Color dialog box. For BYBLOCK, enter 0. For BYLAYER, enter 256.

DIMCLRT (R12) – Assigns colors to dimension text. The color can be any valid color number.

DIMCONSTRAINTICON (2010) – Displays the lock icon next to the text for dimensional constraints.

0 Does not display the lock icon next to the text for dimensional constraints
1 Displays the icon for dynamic constraints
2 Displays the icon for annotational constraints
3 Displays the icon for dynamic and annotational constraints

DIMDEC (R12) – Sets the number of decimal places displayed for the primary units of a dimension. The precision is based on the units or angle format you have selected.

DIMDLE (R12) – Sets the distance the dimension line extends beyond the extension line when oblique strokes are drawn instead of arrowheads.

DIMDLI (R12) – Controls the spacing of the dimension lines in baseline dimensions. Each dimension line is offset from the previous one by this amount, if necessary, to avoid drawing over it. Changes made with DIMDLI are not applied to existing dimensions.

DIMDSEP (R14) – Specifies a single-character decimal separator to use when creating dimensions whose unit format is decimal. When prompted, enter a single character at the Command prompt. If dimension units is set to Decimal, the DIMDSEP character is used instead of the default decimal point. If DIMDSEP is set to NULL (default value, reset by entering a period), the decimal point is used as the dimension separator.

DIMEXE (R12) – Specifies how far to extend the extension line beyond the dimension line.

DIMEXO (R12) – Specifies how far extension lines are offset from origin points. With fixed-length extension lines, this value determines the minimum offset.

DIMFIT (R12) – Obsolete, use DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE instead. DIMFIT is replaced by DIMATFIT and DIMTMOVE. However, if DIMFIT is set to 0 – 3, then DIMATFIT is also set to 0 – 3 and DIMTMOVE is set to 0. If DIMFIT is set to 4 or 5, then DIMATFIT is set to 3 and DIMTMOVE is set to 1 or 2 respectively.

DIMFRAC (2000) – Sets the fraction format when DIMLUNIT is set to 4 (Architectural) or 5 (Fractional).

0 Horizontal stacking
1 Diagonal stacking
2 Not stacked (for example, 1/2)

DIMFXL (2007) – Sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin.

DIMFXLON (2007) – Controls whether extension lines are set to a fixed length. When DIMFXLON is on, extension lines are set to the length specified by DIMFXL.

DIMGAP (R12) – Sets the distance around the dimension text when the dimension line breaks to accommodate dimension text. Also sets the gap between annotation and a hook line created with the LEADER command. If you enter a negative value, DIMGAP places a box around the dimension text.

DIMGAP is also used as the minimum length for pieces of the dimension line. When the default position for the dimension text is calculated, text is positioned inside the extension lines only if doing so breaks the dimension lines into two segments at least as long as DIMGAP. Text placed above or below the dimension line is moved inside only if there is room for the arrowheads, dimension text, and a margin between them at least as large as DIMGAP: 2 * (DIMASZ + DIMGAP).

DIMJOGANG (2007) – Determines the angle of the transverse segment of the dimension line in a jogged radius dimension. Jogged radius dimensions are often created when the center point is located off the page.

DIMJUST (R13) – Controls the horizontal positioning of dimension text.

0 Positions the text above the dimension line and center-justifies it between the extension lines
1 Positions the text next to the first extension line
2 Positions the text next to the second extension line
3 Positions the text above and aligned with the first extension line
4 Positions the text above and aligned with the second extension line

DIMLDRBLK (2000) – Specifies the arrow type for leaders. To return to the default, closed-filled arrowhead display, enter a single period (.). For a list of arrowhead entries, see DIMBLK.

Note: Annotative blocks cannot be used as custom arrowheads for dimensions or leaders.

DIMLFAC (R12) – Sets a scale factor for linear dimension measurements. All linear dimension distances, including radii, diameters, and coordinates, are multiplied by DIMLFAC before being converted to dimension text. Positive values of DIMLFAC are applied to dimensions in both model space and paper space; negative values are applied to paper space only.

DIMLFAC applies primarily to nonassociative dimensions (DIMASSOC set 0 or 1). For nonassociative dimensions in paper space, DIMLFAC must be set individually for each layout viewport to accommodate viewport scaling.

DIMLFAC has no effect on angular dimensions, and is not applied to the values held in DIMRND, DIMTM, or DIMTP.

DIMLIM (R12) – Generates dimension limits as the default text. Setting DIMLIM to On turns DIMTOL off.

Off – Dimension limits are not generated as default text
On – Dimension limits are generated as default text

DIMLTEX1 (2007) – Sets the linetype of the first extension line. The value is BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, or the name of a linetype.

DIMLTEX2 (2007) – Sets the linetype of the second extension line. The value is BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, or the name of a linetype.

DIMLTYPE (2007) – Sets the linetype of the dimension line. The value is BYLAYER, BYBLOCK, or the name of a linetype.

DIMLUNIT (2000) – Sets units for all dimension types except Angular.

1 Scientific
2 Decimal
3 Engineering
4 Architectural (always displayed stacked)
5 Fractional (always displayed stacked)
6 Microsoft Windows Desktop (decimal format using Control Panel settings for decimal separator and number grouping symbols)

DIMLWD (2000) – Assigns lineweight to dimension lines.

-3 Default (the LWDEFAULT value)

DIMLWE (2000) – Assigns lineweight to extension lines.

-3 Default (the LWDEFAULT value)

DIMPOST (R12) – Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement.

For example, to establish a suffix for millimeters, set DIMPOST to mm; a distance of 19.2 units would be displayed as 19.2 mm. If tolerances are turned on, the suffix is applied to the tolerances as well as to the main dimension.

Use <> to indicate placement of the text in relation to the dimension value. For example, enter <>mm to display a 5.0 millimeter radial dimension as “5.0mm.” If you entered mm <>, the dimension would be displayed as “mm 5.0.” Use the <> mechanism for angular dimensions.

DIMRND (R12) – Rounds all dimensioning distances to the specified value.

For instance, if DIMRND is set to 0.25, all distances round to the nearest 0.25 unit. If you set DIMRND to 1.0, all distances round to the nearest integer. Note that the number of digits edited after the decimal point depends on the precision set by DIMDEC. DIMRND does not apply to angular dimensions.

DIMSAH (R12) – Controls the display of dimension line arrowhead blocks.

Off – Use arrowhead blocks set by DIMBLK
On – Use arrowhead blocks set by DIMBLK1 and DIMBLK2

DIMSCALE (R12) – Sets the overall scale factor applied to dimensioning variables that specify sizes, distances, or offsets. Also affects the leader objects with the LEADER command.

Use MLEADERSCALE to scale multileader objects created with the MLEADER command.

0.0 – A reasonable default value is computed based on the scaling between the current model space viewport and paper space. If you are in paper space or model space and not using the paper space feature, the scale factor is 1.0.

>0 – A scale factor is computed that leads text sizes, arrowhead sizes, and other scaled distances to plot at their face values.

DIMSCALE does not affect measured lengths, coordinates, or angles.

Use DIMSCALE to control the overall scale of dimensions. However, if the current dimension style is annotative, DIMSCALE is automatically set to zero and the dimension scale is controlled by the CANNOSCALE system variable. DIMSCALE cannot be set to a non-zero value when using annotative dimensions.

DIMSD1 (R13) – Controls suppression of the first dimension line and arrowhead. When turned on, suppresses the display of the dimension line and arrowhead between the first extension line and the text.

Off – First dimension line is not suppressed
On – First dimension line is suppressed

DIMSD2 (R13) – Controls suppression of the second dimension line and arrowhead. When turned on, suppresses the display of the dimension line and arrowhead between the second extension line and the text.

Off – Second dimension line is not suppressed
On – Second dimension line is suppressed

DIMSE1 (R12) – Suppresses display of the first extension line.

Off – Extension line is not suppressed
On – Extension line is suppressed

DIMSE2 (R12) – Suppresses display of the second extension line.

Off – Extension line is not suppressed
On – Extension line is suppressed

DIMSHO (R12) – Obsolete – Has no effect except to preserve the integrity of scripts.

DIMSOXD (R12) – Suppresses arrowheads if not enough space is available inside the extension lines.

Off – Arrowheads are not suppressed
On – Arrowheads are suppressed

If not enough space is available inside the extension lines and DIMTIX is on, setting DIMSOXD to On suppresses the arrowheads. If DIMTIX is off, DIMSOXD has no effect.

DIMSTYLE (R12) – Stores the name of the current dimension style.

This system variable has the same name as a command. Use the SETVAR command to access this system variable. The DIMSTYLE system variable is read-only; to change the current dimension style, use the DIMSTYLE command.

DIMTAD (R12) – Controls the vertical position of text in relation to the dimension line.

0 Centers the dimension text between the extension lines.
1 Places the dimension text above the dimension line except when the dimension line is not horizontal and text inside the extension lines is forced horizontal (DIMTIH = 1). The distance from the dimension line to the baseline of the lowest line of text is the current DIMGAP value.
2 Places the dimension text on the side of the dimension line farthest away from the defining points.
3 Places the dimension text to conform to Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS).
4 Places the dimension text below the dimension line.

DIMTDEC (R13) – Sets the number of decimal places to display in tolerance values for the primary units in a dimension. This system variable has no effect unless DIMTOL is set to On. The default for DIMTOL is Off.

DIMTFAC (R12) – Specifies a scale factor for the text height of fractions and tolerance values relative to the dimension text height, as set by DIMTXT.

For example, if DIMTFAC is set to 1.0, the text height of fractions and tolerances is the same height as the dimension text. If DIMTFAC is set to 0.7500, the text height of fractions and tolerances is three-quarters the size of dimension text.

DIMTFILL (2007) – Controls the background of dimension text.

0 No background
1 The background color of the drawing
2 The background specified by DIMTFILLCLR

DIMTFILLCLR (2007) – Sets the color for the text background in dimensions. Color numbers are displayed in the Select Color dialog box. For BYBLOCK, enter 0. For BYLAYER, enter 256.

DIMTIH (R12) – Controls the position of dimension text inside the extension lines for all dimension types except Ordinate.

Off – Aligns text with the dimension line
On – Draws text horizontally

DIMTIX (R12) – Draws text between extension lines.

Off – Varies with the type of dimension. For linear and angular dimensions, text is placed inside the extension lines if there is sufficient room. For radius and diameter dimensions that don’t fit inside the circle or arc, DIMTIX has no effect and always forces the text outside the circle or arc.
On – Draws dimension text between the extension lines even if it would ordinarily be placed outside those lines

DIMTM (R12) – Sets the minimum (or lower) tolerance limit for dimension text when DIMTOL or DIMLIM is on. DIMTM accepts signed values. If DIMTOL is on and DIMTP and DIMTM are set to the same value, a tolerance value is drawn. If DIMTM and DIMTP values differ, the upper tolerance is drawn above the lower, and a plus sign is added to the DIMTP value if it is positive. For DIMTM, the program uses the negative of the value you enter (adding a minus sign if you specify a positive number and a plus sign if you specify a negative number).

DIMTMOVE (2000) – Sets dimension text movement rules.

0 Moves the dimension line with dimension text
1 Adds a leader when dimension text is moved
2 Allows text to be moved freely without a leader

DIMTOFL (R12) – Controls whether a dimension line is drawn between the extension lines even when the text is placed outside. For radius and diameter dimensions (when DIMTIX is off), draws a dimension line inside the circle or arc and places the text, arrowheads, and leader outside.

Off – Does not draw dimension lines between the measured points when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points
On – Draws dimension lines between the measured points even when arrowheads are placed outside the measured points

DIMTOH (R12) – Controls the position of dimension text outside the extension lines.

Off – Aligns text with the dimension line
On – Draws text horizontally

DIMTOL (R12) – Appends tolerances to dimension text. Setting DIMTOL to on turns DIMLIM off.

DIMTOLJ (R13) – Sets the vertical justification for tolerance values relative to the nominal dimension text. This system variable has no effect unless DIMTOL is set to On. The default for DIMTOL is Off.

0 – Bottom
1 – Middle
2 – Top

DIMTP (R12) – Sets the maximum (or upper) tolerance limit for dimension text when DIMTOL or DIMLIM is on. DIMTP accepts signed values. If DIMTOL is on and DIMTP and DIMTM are set to the same value, a tolerance value is drawn. If DIMTM and DIMTP values differ, the upper tolerance is drawn above the lower and a plus sign is added to the DIMTP value if it is positive.

DIMTSZ (R12) – Specifies the size of oblique strokes drawn instead of arrowheads for linear, radius, and diameter dimensioning.

0 – Draws arrowheads.
>0 – Draws oblique strokes instead of arrowheads. The size of the oblique strokes is determined by this value multiplied by the DIMSCALE value

DIMTVP (R12) – Controls the vertical position of dimension text above or below the dimension line. The DIMTVP value is used when DIMTAD is off. The magnitude of the vertical offset of text is the product of the text height and DIMTVP. Setting DIMTVP to 1.0 is equivalent to setting DIMTAD to on. The dimension line splits to accommodate the text only if the absolute value of DIMTVP is less than 0.7.

DIMTXSTY (R13) – Specifies the text style of the dimension.

DIMTXT (R12) – Specifies the height of dimension text, unless the current text style has a fixed height.

DIMTXTDIRECTION (2010) – Specifies the reading direction of the dimension text.

0 – Displays dimension text in a Left-to-Right reading style
1 – Displays dimension text in a Right-to-Left reading style

DIMTZIN (R13) – Controls the suppression of zeros in tolerance values.

Values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only.

0 – Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches
1 – Includes zero feet and precisely zero inches
2 – Includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches
3 – Includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet
4 – Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000)
8 – Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
12 – Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)

DIMUNIT (R12) – Obsolete – Retained in the product to preserve the integrity of scripts. DIMUNIT is replaced by DIMLUNIT and DIMFRAC.

DIMUPT (R13) – Controls options for user-positioned text.

Off – Cursor controls only the dimension line location
On – Cursor controls both the text position and the dimension line location

DIMZIN (R12) – Controls the suppression of zeros in the primary unit value.

Values 0-3 affect feet-and-inch dimensions only:

0 – Suppresses zero feet and precisely zero inches
1 – Includes zero feet and precisely zero inches
2 – Includes zero feet and suppresses zero inches
3 – Includes zero inches and suppresses zero feet
4 – Suppresses leading zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5000)
8 – Suppresses trailing zeros in decimal dimensions (for example, 12.5000 becomes 12.5)
12 – Suppresses both leading and trailing zeros (for example, 0.5000 becomes .5)

20 Responses to “CAD Standards – AutoCAD Dimension Variables”

  1. really I liked it.very knowledge able side..r

  2. thank you. Looking for the variable that would turn off the following: When using the R14 Leader command, it is underlining the mtext. Hope I’m describing this well, I’ll describe it another way.
    Starting with the arrow head, nice leader line and then instead of simply writing the text, it underlines it as well.
    I’m trying to get some extra work done at home this weekend.

  3. I have a problem in paper space dimension. After you saved and close the file and open again, the figure change by itself by larger numbers. The viewport is locked, I am using autocad 2008.

  4. i have a problem in rotating a detailed dimensioned drawing.
    while rotating it all the dimension are displaced, how can i rotate my drawing without displacing the dimension

  5. Richard of Jeddah
    March 30th, 2010 at 11:52 PM

    Diana, while inside mtext editor, make sure U button is not pressed…

  6. wich scal gave for convert feet to meters in dimension style in auto cad 2006

  7. I use 2.54 if you are trying to multiply something.

    If you want to set the drawing units to metric then set your drawing to Decimal in the UNITS command and then a metric unit.

  8. dear sirs

    i want to take angles for more than two lines for example if i take for 110 lines it may take 1 hour so i want A COMMAND OR LISP to control this, pls help me as soon as.


  9. Thanks, it was very helpful.
    Yet, i still have a problem which I can’t fix in Autocad 2007.
    I work in meters, and all dimentions that are smaller than 1, I see them like this:
    instead of:

    What should I do to set the decimal point before the number instead of after it?

    If you know how to help me, I would be greatful!!!

  10. How do you make arc length dimensions extension lines radially to the arc? It will always be orthogonally unless the angle is over 90. If under 90, it shows ext. lines orthogonally like showing a chord distance. The dimension arc length command does however show the correct length of the curve. Im using Civil3d 2011.

  11. I’m using Autocad 2007 but anytime i try to dimension my drawings arrow and figure wouldn’t display only lines would be shown.Kindly help me on how to fix this.Thanx

  12. i have a problem when i rotate active viewport dwg in paper space the dimension text is up and down i use autocad 2007 i try lot to solve it mirrtext already checked but nothing happen

  13. which is the variable (dimvars) in which the text is not seen because there asciurados behind the text and background is typical of drawing lines. I remember using this variable which was changed on, off


  14. How can i put 2 arrows with a line for the diameter inside a circle but still have the leader line and text outside?

  15. When trying to move a dim by the text only the text moves and not the line. I know how to fix it 1 at a time but is there a way to reset something to fix all dims at once without clicking on every dim


  17. thanks more and more and more!

  18. i am using autocad 2007 in that i con’t to indicate the dimensions in feets & inches please help me.

  19. stranger0066

    I have the same issue. I believe it is a bug to AutoCAD. I use AutoCAD 2009. When I move or rotate a drawing with dimensions on it, dimensions go wherever they please, for no reason and without a patern. Copying the drawing works ok, so this way i bypass moving bug. For rotation, the only way is to make the drawing a block. If you break the block later though dimensions “remember you moved them” and go mess again.

    I don’t know if in later versions Autodesk has fixed the issue.

  20. Hola a todos, tengo una duda…
    Alguien sabe si existe alguna forma de darle una distancia fija a la posición de las cotas pequeñas que aparecen con una línea inclinada y la cota…? Muchas gracias.

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