Bad Standards worth having?
What are CAD Standards? - what should be included
Sharing your Standards - what to provide
Move or Copy with No
Command Active - AutoCAD 2005 Select an entity - grips are displayed.
Click on the same
entity again (not on a grip), keep the left button
pressed and drag your mouse to a new position. The selected
entity is moved to the new location or - when you press the CTRL
key - copied to the new location
Can I get a single line text editor
The default dialog box for MText is complex. There are some who
want a simple interface for this command. There is a single line dialog
box with the ability to bring up the full editor if needed. To set it
up enter a new value for the system variable MTEXTED.
":lisped" (be sure to include the ":")
Command: MTEXTED
New value for MTEXTED, or . for none <"Internal">: :lisped
the next time you use MTEXT you should