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Users and Choosers

Users of software are the end recipients of developer solutions. They use the tools to interpret their designs. They transfer the ideas out their heads and onto the computer via the software. They use the software to communicate and define the construction and fabrication to others.

However… They are not the ones that define the selection criteria, research and review products, or define the budgets for purchases.

Choosers are those that actually select the software tools that a firm will apply to the given design process. They are focused on the getting the best tool to do the job for an “appropriate” amount of money with the least training demand on the users. They are responsible for researching, reviewing and selecting the tools that they and others will use every day.

However… They may not actually use the software every day.

What advantage does one give over the other?

Some Users are Choosers

There can be a definite advantage when the end Users are the one who actually define and select the software. This direct connection can provide a powerful benefits. By having the person that is going to use the software be the one that selects and purchases the software there is an incredible “ownership” connection. This translates to motivation to be successful with the software.

Some Choosers are Users

When those who select the tools are actually using them, they know the ends and outs of the software. They don’t just select a tool because others have chosen it. They are not just following the crowd. They know first hand how it impacts production and ease of design. They may not actually use the software every day, but they do get their hands dirty on a consistent basis.
When Users are not Choosers

When Choosers are not Users and Users are not Choosers

This can happen when there is a total disconnect between the ones that are selecting the software and the ones that are using it. Don’t let this happen. Develop ways for these two groups to interact. Make sure that the users concerns are heard. Make sure that the reasons for selecting software are understood by the users. Hold meetings to discuss the pros and cons of the next release. Share information between these two parties so that all sides of the issues are voiced.