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Eight Wishes of a CAD Manager

There are many ways to think about your CAD environment that might help to review your progress at making your firm top notch.  Here are seven that come to mind.

1.  Users that ask the right questions, at the right time.

They ask questions about standards and how to do things right.  They are not tied to their chairs and are willing to get up and seek out the answer.  They also ask these questions BEFORE they make mistakes or deviate from the standard.

2.  Project Management that keeps you informed.

When a project starts, they come and talk to you.  When a project gets in trouble, they come and talk to you.  When they are courting a client that has a CAD Standard that you must comply with, they talk to you.  When they have a client that demands a certain kind of software, they talk to you.

3.  Vendors that knew how you think and what it takes to manage CAD.

Software developers need to think like a CAD Manager.  Not that they had to do everything that I wanted, but for them to consider every tool they provide may not be something that I want my users to have.  That way they could allow me to control and turn things off that would damage or compromise my environment.  They have come a long way, but every new tool needs an on/off switch.

4.  Universal lockdown on systems unless they inform you that they are downloading software trials.

Without restricting the internet for proper use in research, searching and just getting things done, I wish that my users could not download beta software.  I wish they could not get 30 day trials without my knowledge.  I don't want to rule out all investigation, I just want to be informed when they are doing it.

5.  A Standard that everyone actually followed.

Not too much to ask for... or is it.  I wish for a standard that everyone knew well and followed to the best of their ability.  Not one that is ignored or set aside to suit the mood or moment.

6.  Software that actually worked, stayed the way your left it and prevented BAD CAD.

Software does work, but not without flaws, bugs, inefficiencies and limitations.  It also seems like things don't stay the way I left them.  I wish that weird things did not happen, but they do.  And finally, can't the software prevent bad CAD habits.  I wish it would.

7.  An environment of shared learning, total communication and adventurous experimentation.

I wish that everyone would share everything they learned.  Knowledge is power, but sharing it should be rewarded.  Giving away what you know is central to a good environment.   I also wish that everyone would understand the training they get the first time and not need reminding.  and I wish that users would be a little more interested in new tools and not settle into using the old ones so much that they cannot change.

8.  New hires are testing in CAD software knowledge and it actually is used to determine who would be hired.

I wish that there was a test that I could give new hires that determined their real world knowledge of CAD.  And that that test results actually mattered in the hiring process.

These are some of my wishes.  They are not complaints.  They are not grumblings.  They are the things that I wish would change to make everyone work better.


May 2006