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CAD Standards Development

Development Progress Killers

Implementing CAD Governance - Part 1

Implementing CAD Governance - Part 2

Finding Those Who Care about CAD

Turning Caring about CAD into Curing CAD Troubles

February Survey results

  A R T I C L E S

CAD Standards Development

Every CAD Manager needs a Standard.
So I am starting an extended series on developing your CAD Standards. 

Thinking about developing CAD Standards - read these blog posts on the process as a starting point. 

Developing CAD Standards

When Should a CAD Standard be Created?

Are Bad CAD Standards Worth Having?

A CAD World without Standards

What should Your CAD Standard Contain?

CAD Standards Development Progress Killers

Many things can get in the way of creating or modifying a CAD Standard. Here are a few...

Lack of senior management support

This is the number one killer when trying to develop CAD Standards. What does this look like or sound like? It will be those who actively seek to derail or squelch any progress toward a standard. They may not know that they are doing it. It may just be offhand comments from senior people, like “we tried that before” or “it will not work” or “people will never follow it”. These kinds of comments suck the life out of those who are striving to get everyone on the same page.

It may be more active in comments like “these do not apply to me or my project” or “it will slow us down too much to use standards” or “standards have a negative impact on creativity”. These comments are sometimes pointed directly toward a desire for the lack of constraint.

Another type of lack of support may appear in just the absence of encouragement. Statements like “that is your thing” or “I don’t need to be involved” can make your job harder.


Implementing CAD Governance - Part 1

Before we move on to developing a CAD Standard lets think about who needs to be involved in the process. CAD needs governance. Governing a CAD environment cannot be overlooked. Approaching the oversight of CAD from a willy-nilly perspective of doing what just comes your way will not allow you to make greater strides toward higher levels of CAD productivity.

Governing CAD need not be a daunting task. It can be as simple as asking a few people what they think needs to be done, having them review your plans, bouncing ideas off of them or more. But it does need to be formal. If it is not then you run the risk of falling out of a good habit of planning and into a bad habit of responding only to others input and demands.

So where do you start?

Read the rest...

Implementing CAD Governance - Part 2

There are several teams you need to develop to enhance CAD Governance.

They include:

  • Corporate Management Team
  • Office CAD Liaisons/Representatives/Super Users
  • CAD Standard Review Committee
  • The Inner Circle

Let's take a short look at each one.

Read the complete article...

Finding Those Who Care about CAD

Doesn't anyone care about CAD anymore?

Rally the ones that Care

Making a change or moving people toward process improvement, CAD Standards or even a software upgrade takes a lot to cultural effort within your firm. Finding a group that can help in this process can help you get more done. Getting them on your side is needed and finding them is the first step.

Those who care about CAD will have some recognizable qualities and habits.

These people will be talking to each other already. Most of the time you are just trying to observe who is doing this as a matter of course. Look around and see who is doing most of the talking about CAD. Not the ones that are complaining, but the ones that are working toward making things better. They have creative ways of thinking. They look to pass on tips and tricks.

What to look for in the person

You are looking for someone who...

Read the rest online...

Turning Caring about CAD into Curing CAD Troubles

Moving from Single to Group

One of the first steps is to interact with those that you have identified as caring and getting them into some form of group. Groups often make greater impact than individuals. Working alone limits the impact of your efforts. Working with groups expands the impact you will have. Groups are essential to overseeing CAD.

Gathering individuals into groups will work better if you pay attention to the group makeup and dynamics. I will address these in another post at some point. For now, lets just get the ones that you have identified as caring into a group. Start with a meeting to overview their involvement. Let them know what is expected and allowed. Discuss roles and responsibilities and limits of authority. Get the ground rules in place.

Moving toward the Cure

Moving people from individual to group is an adventure. Moving them from “caring” to “curing” is a challenge.


Read the rest...

BIM Manager Blog

I created a new blog specifically for BIM Management issues. I will be blogging on the people and process side of BIM.  Some of these topics may overlap with CAD Management, but many will specifically address BIM.  I just started this - so stay tuned as more content is added.

Check out the posts links on the right column of this newsletter

Go to the
BIM Manager Blog

February - Poll Results

The question?  How many users do you oversee?

There are a lot more survey and poll results on my site. Take a look. 

March 2009 Poll

Which Autodesk products do you have?  pick from  the list as many as you have.

Take the Survey... upper right of the home page.



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CADD Manager Journal is a publication of the Core Technology Group
Editor: Mark W. Kiker
mark dot kiker at © 2009 by CTG.



March  - 2009

Thinking of CAD Standards.  How they are developed and by whom. 

This month and in the future I will be doing an extended series on CAD Standards.

Keep checking the blog...

Mark W. Kiker, Editor


Take the Latest

Which Autodesk products do you have?

There is a poll on the right column of the site.



CADD Manager Book Store

Book Reviews 

This is not a collection of Google Adware recommendations.  These are books that I have read and recommend.

Buy the Book!



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