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 A P R I L, 2006
   I N   T H I S   I S S U E

Traits of a Good CAD User - What do good users look like?

A four part list of what it takes to be a good CAD User.  Twenty items on the list.  There may be some items on this list that you still need to add to your traits.  There may be some items on this list that you have mastered.  Either way, the list is provided for your consideration.

March Survey - CAD Manager Longevity.  How long have you been doing this?


  A R T I C L E S
Traits of a Good CAD User

Trait 1: They CARE!

Good CAD Users care about the work they do. They care about what the CAD Standard says. They care about how others will be able to work with their files. They care about making the company look good by creating good files.

Trait 2: They follow good CAD habits

Like purging and using OSNAPS. Axis Lock and Align commands are the tools of their trade. Many users fail to be conscientious about using the basic tools that make the drawings work correctly. They just draw away and don't pay attention to how they are drawing.

Trait 3: They take pride in their work

They realize that the quality of their work is a direct reflection on themselves and the firm. They step up to the plate and put in the extra effort to make things right.

17 more traits... on the website...

March 2006 - Survey Says

We asked about your position as CAD Manager to find out how old you were, how long you had the job, how you expect the future to pan out. 

We found that the main bulk of CAD Managers are between 35-44 years old.  Release 1 of AutoCAD was demonstrated at the COMDEX trade show in Las Vegas in November of 1982.  When it debuted 55 of the 135 respondents weren't even in middle school yet.

When asked if they were hoping to move higher in the company structure, a very positive 60% expected to hold higher level job titles than CAD Manager.


See the full results March Results

Take the April Survey - CAD Manager Longevity

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CADD Manager Journal is a publication of the Core Technology Group
Editor: Mark W. Kiker
mark.kiker@caddmanager.com © 2006 by CTG.


This time around... 

Looking into what makes a good CAD user so good.  It is not always knowing the commands or getting trained.  It goes beyond that to the attitude and perspective that they take.

Mark W. Kiker, Editor


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