CADDManager on May 17th, 2009

Okay let’s get down to business. Here is where we start writing the standard. You have collected information and organized what you have. It is time to start writing things down so you can see what you have and what you are missing.

Start with a skeleton outline

Just jot down the areas that you think need to be involved. Use the basics that I have written about. You could just use those as chapter headings. Don’t fill anything in yet. Just include the bones of the standard, no meat yet.

When you have the outline completed, you can start adding and expanding the sections. I do not expect to write a standard from start to finish, one time through. I go back over it multiple times before I finish the first draft and then have multiple drafts in the process of reaching toward publication.

I want to focus in on the beginning of the document at this point.

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